If you've got questions, especially about game stuff, take a look here first!

Are you okay with fanart?

Yes, I love fanart! Feel free to show me any pictures you draw of my characters!

Do you rp?


Do you do requests/trades?

Requests will only be when I specifically ask for them, trades are only with people I actually know.

Do you do commissions?

Yes! I've got my prices here.

When is the next update for (game/sequence/comic) coming out?

Whenever I feel like it's ready, I work at a pretty inconsistent pace.

How do I edit Spacethumper sprite sheets?

There's a guide in the "Spritesheets for Editing" folder included in the download, read that.

Can you put in a debug mode in your game?

Debug mode is for debugging. If you want to see all the sprites you're just going to have to rip the sprites like everyone else. Or just play the game I suppose.